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Presentations of the 9th MEACB

Welcome by Sigrun Smola, Head of ZKBS (not accessible) [PDF, 5.24MB]
SESSION I: Tasks of advisory boards/ special focusses
- Recent work of the Biotech Advisory Board in Norway on the future regulation of GMOs (not accessible) [PDF, 5.75MB]
Hilde Mellegård, Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board - Is a Comparison and Prioritization of Different Biological Risks possible? (not accessible) [PDF, 4.10MB]
Isabel Hunger-Glaser, Swiss Expert Committee for Biosafety - Establishment of an informative platform for supporting the value of scientific advice (not accessible) [PDF, 1.89MB]
Anke Stein, BVL, Germany
SESSION II: Benchmarks for adjustments of risk assessment in contained use - need for further safety measures?
- Details from a special case - Laboratory acquired HIV-1 infection (not accessible) [PDF, 2.55MB]
Alessandro Soria, Social and Health Company Ground Monza, Italy - Path to WHO certification of polio-free status and its implications for risk assessment and management (not accessible) [PDF, 2.11MB]
Kathrin Keeren, Office of the National Commission for Polio Eradication in Germany - Lessons learned from the safety evaluation of novel live attenuated serotype 2 oral poliovirus vaccines candidates under contained use vs. deliberate release regulatory framework. (not accessible) [PDF, 670KB]
Didier Breyer, Sciensano Belgium
SESSION III: Gene drive systems – an update
Report on EFSA’s stakeholder workshop “problem formulation of the ERA of gene drive modified insects” (not accessible) [PDF, 2.74MB]
Les Firbank, EFSA – GMO Panel; University of Leeds
SESSION IV: Medical applications of GMO
- Manufacturing and application of CAR T-cells to treat cancer: chances and safety matters for patients (not accessible) [PDF, 3.11MB]
Ulrike Köhl, Fraunhofer IZI, Germany - Use of attenuated live rabies virus, strain SPBN as vaccine to protect wildlife and dogs against rabies – are there any risks left? (not accessible) [PDF, 2.41MB]
Adrian Vos, Ceva Santé Animale, Germany
SESSION V: New developments in plants
- Cas endonuclease technology in crop plants - establishment and applications (not accessible) [PDF, 1.34MB]
Jochen Kumlehn, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Germany - From the lab to the Protected site - field trial with fire blight resistant cisgenic apple trees in Switzerland (not accessible) [PDF, 2.91MB]
Andrea Patocchi, Agroscope Switzerland
SESSION VI: The ECJ ruling – consequences and implications
- Challenges to detect genome edited plants - consequences for Surveillance Authorities (not accessible) [PDF, 1.04MB]
Lutz Grohmann, BVL, Germany - Consequences of ECJ ruling on Plant breeding sector (not accessible) [PDF, 2.49MB]
Anja Matzk, BDP, German Plant Breeders Association - How will Switzerland adopt the GMO legislation to cover all new gene technologies? (not accessible) [PDF, 1.19MB]
Markus Hardegger, Federal Office for Agriculture, Switzerland
The ECJ ruling in the context of the legal assessment of genome-edited plants in other parts of the world
As a result of the panel discussion the majority of the present advisory committees agreed that there is a need for change of the European GMO regulation. A joint statement of ZKBS, the Swiss EFBS and the Netherlands COGEM (not accessible) [PDF, 113KB] regarding a reasonable future regulation of the new molecular techniques was prepared and sent to the European Commission.