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Presentations of the 9th MEACB

Welcome by Sigrun Smola, Head of ZKBS (not accessible) [PDF, 5.24MB]

SESSION I: Tasks of advisory boards/ special focusses

SESSION II: Benchmarks for adjustments of risk assessment in contained use - need for further safety measures?

SESSION III: Gene drive systems – an update

Report on EFSA’s stakeholder workshop “problem formulation of the ERA of gene drive modified insects” (not accessible) [PDF, 2.74MB]
Les Firbank, EFSA – GMO Panel; University of Leeds

SESSION IV: Medical applications of GMO

SESSION V: New developments in plants

SESSION VI: The ECJ ruling – consequences and implications

The ECJ ruling in the context of the legal assessment of genome-edited plants in other parts of the world

As a result of the panel discussion the majority of the present advisory committees agreed that there is a need for change of the European GMO regulation. A joint statement of ZKBS, the Swiss EFBS and the Netherlands COGEM (not accessible) [PDF, 113KB] regarding a reasonable future regulation of the new molecular techniques was prepared and sent to the European Commission.