The Central Committee on Biological Safety (ZKBS) is a voluntary expert panel responsible for evaluating genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with regard to the potential risks posed to humans, animals and the environment and delivering opinions on this
The ZKBS introduces itself
The Central Commission for Biosafety (ZKBS) is a voluntary committee of experts. It advises decision-makers in politics and administration through professional statements and thus contributes to safety in the area of genetic engineering.
The ZKBS adopts its statements and risk assessments either in a written circulation procedure or at one of the average of seven non-public meetings per year, which take place on the premises of the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food …
According to Section 4 of the GenTG, the ZKBS consists of 20 independent members, for each of whom a deputy is appointed. The ZKBS members can be further subdivided into expert and competent persons. The ZKBS members are appointed by the Federal …
Since the GenTG came into force on July 1, 1990, the ZKBS has been informing the public annually about its activities by means of a report published by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) (Section 15 of the ZKBS Ordinance). The annual …