When genetic engineering took its first steps in the 1970s the ZKBS was called into life. Its mission was to identify possible risks of genetic engineering and to suggest suitable measures to protect against these risks. In 1990 a legal framework for genetic engineering came into force and the ZKBS was formally established in the German Genetic Engineering Act as the central German expert committee responsible for the assessment of questions regarding biosafety. In cooperation with the German Federal States, productive research in the field of genetic engineering is thus ensured while keeping the environment and general public safe.
Progress since the first days of genetic engineering has been enormous: new techniques and their (possible) applications offer huge potential to solve fundamental emerging problems of humankind. These include for example the treatment of cancer, the reduction of population sizes of disease-transmitting mosquitoes or the food security of the world population, especially in the context of climate change.
Along with these developments, questions regarding a contemporary GMO regulation are globally discussed.
The MEACB was initiated by the Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM) together with its Swiss sister organization, the Swiss Expert Committee for Biosafety, in 2006 in Amsterdam in order to strengthen international contacts. Since then the MEACB has been organized every couple of years by different national genetic engineering agencies.
It is a valuable meeting that enables international scientific exchange of experiences between expert committees, authorities of the European Member States and science to strengthen risk assessment and ensure biosafety.