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Donor and recipient organisms for genetic engineering operations whose risk has already been assessed can be found in the database on microorganisms, where an Excel export of the current list is also available. Included are viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi and other eukaryotic protozoa.

A complete list of risk-assessed donor and recipient organisms as of August 2023, published in the Federal Gazette, is also available for download here (not accessible) [PDF, 1.07MB] .

If the organisms intended for the planned work are not included in the database, they must be classified by the ZKBS using the criteria set out in Annex 1 of the Genetic Engineering Safety Ordinance.

Legal basis: Genetic Engineering Safety Ordinance (GenTSV) (as amended on 12 August 2019).

§ 5 Risk assessment of organisms

(1) The hazard potential of the donor organism, the recipient organism or the parental organism and the genetically modified organism results from the assignment of the organisms to four groups, the risk groups 1 to 4. The assignment to a risk group is made on the basis of the determination of the hazard potential of the organism, namely 1. for donor, recipient and parental organisms, on the basis of the general criteria for risk assessment in accordance with Annex 1, Number 1, and 2. for genetically modified organisms, on the basis of the general criteria for risk assessment in accordance with Annex 1, Number 2, insofar as these criteria are relevant in the individual case.

§ 6 Publication of the list of risk-assessed donor and recipient organisms

After consulting the Central Committee on Biological Safety, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) shall regularly publish in the Federal Gazette a list which includes both the classification of microorganisms in accordance with the applicable EU occupational health and safety legislation and assigns donor and recipient organisms to risk groups in accordance with the general criteria pursuant to section 5(1).