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Many topics, one goal

  • From 6 to 7 November 2019 the 9th Meeting of the European Advisory Committees on Biosafety (MEACB) in the field of contained use and deliberate release of GMOs took place in Berlin, Germany.

  • Research is always in motion. If a risk classification changed due to new data you can find it here!

  • Looking for the appropriate contact person to help you with formalities and risk assessments of your planed genetic engineering works? You will find them here...

  • Stay up to date – with our newsletters!

  • Learn more about the German and international regulations regarding genetic engineering works...

  • How many genetic engineering works and genetic engineering facilities do exist in Germany?

  • On the website of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) you will find further information on the BVL databases and other websites on the subject of genetic engineering.

  • Whilst reading our web pages and our many other publications, you may encounter terminology and foreign words which you are not familiar with. We have included most of these in our glossary. If you are unable to find exactly what you are looking for, …

  • In German with important news in English.

  • Commentary of the ZKBS on current topics.

  • Some topics dealing with biosafety that the ZKBS dealt with are of great interest for the general public as well and are therefore presented here in more detail by the secretariat to the ZKBS.

  • Do you have any questions or comments?
    Then please use our contact form to send us a message.

  • A chronological overview of the upcoming ZKBS events