The Central Committee on Biological Safety (ZKBS) is a voluntary expert panel responsible for evaluating genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with regard to the potential risks posed to humans, animals and the environment and delivering opinions on this matter.

Voluntary expert panel
Risk assessment and containment level assignment
The main task of the ZKBS is to conduct risk assessments of micro-organisms or to assign containment levels for genetic engineering operations and assessment of required safety measures in genetic engineering facilities. A genetic engineering operation is the production or handling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), e.g. when carrying out scientific experiments in laboratories. The higher the risk from the genetic engineering work, the stricter the safety measures that have to be taken. These safety measures are laid down in the Genetic engineering safety regulations (GenTSV).
Participation in genetic engineering monitoring and licensing/approval procedures
The state authorities are responsible for monitoring and approving genetic engineering work and genetic engineering facilities. In the case of genetic engineering work of class 3 and 4, the respective state authority must obtain a position statement from the ZKBS as part of the approval process. Genetic engineering work of class 2, which is not comparable to work previously classified by the ZKBS, also requires the ZKBS to participate. In addition, at the request of the state authority, the ZKBS can also deal with genetic engineering work of class 1.
Further information on the procedures can be found on the website of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL).
Recommondations on applications for the deliberate release and placing on the market of GMOs
The ZKBS also evaluates possible risks associated with deliberate release of GMOs or placing on the market of GMOs for non-food/non-feed usage and delivers its opinions to the competent authority, the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL). You can find more information about these procedures here.
The BVL enters relevant position statements from the ZKBS on the risk assessment of releases or placing a GMO on the market in the database at the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) Central Portal. In this way, the ZKBS contributes to the international exchange of scientific information on GMOs. The entries in the BCH database can be viewed here.
Advising decision-makers in politics and administration
The ZKBS is also involved in the issuing of statutory orders in the area of genetic engineering law. In addition, the federal government and the federal states can ask the ZKBS at any time for statements on safety-related issues relating to genetic engineering.