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According to § 4 of the GenTG, the ZKBS consists of 20 independent members with one deputy for each. The members are either experts on a specialist field or a competent person of a social interest group. The members of the ZKBS and their deputies are appointed for the duration of three years by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection in agreement with the Federal Ministries of Education and Research, of Economics and Technology, of Labour and Social Affairs, of Health as well as for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety.

Chairperson of the ZKBS

Prof. Dr. Dr. med. vet. Thomas W. Vahlenkamp

Deputy chairperson of the ZKBS

Prof. Dr. Uwe Groß

Prof. Dr. Sigrun Smola


Twelve members of the ZKBS are experts from specialist fields of microbiology, cell biology, virology, genetics, plant breeding, hygiene, ecology, toxicology and technical safety. The following experts are currently working at the ZKBS:


Cell biology



Plant breeding




Safety technology

Competent person

Eight members of the ZKBS are competent person for social interest groups, such as trade unions, occupational safety, economy, agriculture, environmental protection, nature protection, consumer protection and research-funding organisations. The following competent person are currently working at the ZKBS:

Labor union

Occupational safety and health



Environmental protection

Nature conservation

Consumer protection

Research funding organizations