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  • Gruppenfoto der ZKBS. Quelle: BVL

    Welcome to the ZKBS

    The Central Committee on Biological Safety (ZKBS) is a voluntary expert panel responsible for evaluating genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with regard to the potential risks posed to humans, animals and the environment and delivering opinions on this

  • Mithilfe der Bäckerhefe werden Oberflächenproteine des Virus für die Impfung hergestellt.

    Production of a vaccine using the example of hepatitis B vaccination

    Infectious diseases can be dangerous for people. Vaccinations protect us from them. Using the example of hepatitis B vaccination, we explain how a safe vaccine is developed and what role the ZKBS plays in this.

  • Mode of operation of the ZKBS

    Mode of operation of the ZKBS

    Ms Müller wants to investigate a newly discovered virus with the help of genetic engineering. Our video explains which permits are needed for this in Germany and what role the ZKBS plays.

Current classifications

Modified classifications and statements put out of force

Statements on safety-related issues in genetic engineering work or facilities

The ZKBS adopts general recommendations (position statements) on safety-relevant issues that often occur in genetic engineering operations or in genetic engineering facilities. Such general recommendations relate in particular to the risk assessment of organism, the containment level assignment of genetic engineering work or the assessment of safety-related measurements.