Presentations of the 9th MEACB


Welcome by Sigrun Smola, Head of ZKBS

SESSION I: Tasks of advisory boards/ special focusses

Recent work of the Biotech Advisory Board in Norway on the future regulation of GMOs

Hilde Mellegård, Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board

Is a Comparison and Prioritization of Different Biological Risks possible?
Isabel Hunger-Glaser, Swiss Expert Committee for Biosafety

Establishment of an informative platform for supporting the value of scientific advice
Anke Stein, BVL, Germany

SESSION II: Benchmarks for adjustments of risk assessment in contained use - need for further safety measures?

Details from a special case - Laboratory acquired HIV-1 infection
Alessandro Soria, Social and Health Company Ground Monza, Italy

Path to WHO certification of polio-free status and its implications for risk assessment and management
Kathrin Keeren, Office of the National Commission for Polio Eradication in Germany

Lessons learned from the safety evaluation of novel live attenuated serotype 2 oral poliovirus vaccines candidates under contained use vs. deliberate release regulatory framework.
Didier Breyer, Sciensano Belgium

SESSION III: Gene drive systems – an update

Report on EFSA’s stakeholder workshop “problem formulation of the ERA of gene drive modified insects”
Les Firbank, EFSA – GMO Panel; University of Leeds

SESSION IV: Medical applications of GMO

Manufacturing and application of CAR T-cells to treat cancer: chances and safety matters for patients
Ulrike Köhl, Fraunhofer IZI, Germany

Use of attenuated live rabies virus, strain SPBN as vaccine to protect wildlife and dogs against rabies – are there any risks left?
Adrian Vos, Ceva Santé Animale, Germany

SESSION V: New developments in plants

Cas endonuclease technology in crop plants - establishment and applications
Jochen Kumlehn, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Germany

From the lab to the Protected site - field trial with fire blight resistant cisgenic apple trees in Switzerland
Andrea Patocchi, Agroscope Switzerland

SESSION VI: The ECJ ruling – consequences and implications

Challenges to detect genome edited plants - consequences for Surveillance Authorities
Lutz Grohmann, BVL, Germany

Consequences of ECJ ruling on Plant breeding sector
Anja Matzk, BDP, German Plant Breeders Association

How will Switzerland adopt the GMO legislation to cover all new gene technologies?
Markus Hardegger, Federal Office for Agriculture, Switzerland

The ECJ ruling in the context of the legal assessment of genome-edited plants in other parts of the world

As a result of the panel discussion the majority of the present advisory committees agreed that there is a need for change of the European GMO regulation. A joint statement of ZKBS, the Swiss EFBS and the Netherlands COGEM regarding a reasonable future regulation of the new molecular techniques was prepared and sent to the European Commission.

Berlin Source: SimpLine/

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